A Fallen Hero

A tragedy that never should have happened. But it did. Read the full story of the surprise attack that happened in 2011 that took the lives of nine brave souls away from us. More...

The 2024 Fundraiser

The 12th Annual Tara R. Jacobs Brown Fundraising Benefit to send worthy, under-represented students to college. Purchase your tickets here online. More…

Honor & Recognition

Letters and stories from some very influential people...those who knew Tara. Also some from presidential candidates, congressmen, senators, mayors, commanders and the president of the United States. More...

“A ship is safest in her harbor. But that's not what ships are made for.”

Federal Employees! We are proud to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). All federal employees can donate to the Tara Jacobs Brown Scholarship Foundation by designating #44681.

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